Friday, December 31, 2010

Here I am - Before and After for 2010

Good Morning World!!  Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year!  

Personally, I am going into the new year as a new person.  This year has been a little more concentrated on myself.  I was raised in a Catholic background, and it was beat into my psyche, that a "good" person concentrates more on the needs of others than on yourself.  I have tried to live my life that way, not always successfully, but at least tried.  It is just recently that I accepted that it is OK to do things for yourself, as long as you don't lose sight of the people you love.  

With that realization, I was no longer able to "blame" anyone else for how I looked.  No more finger pointing, that it wasn't my fault that I wasn't in shape.  No more excuses for not taking care of myself.  The responsibility lies with myself.  That may sound simple to all of you, but it was a real mind shift for me.

  So here are my photos from January 2010.  This was taken at our gym.  Yes, I am co-owner of a gym with my husband.  I wasn't a very good billboard for our business.  I hit a high weight of 178 pounds.

It was time for me to take my health seriously.  Michael and I were working on the content for the SKOGG System DVD, and putting together our nutrition plan.  I decided that I would try it to see if it really could show results.  I started changing my diet, followed the SKOGG System Nutrition Plan and committed to working out 3-4 times per week.

It works folks, here are my photos from October 4th, the start of the 60 Day Challenge.

Well, at least I'm smiling now!  I was working out 3 times a week.  But I was still eating sugar....a lot of it.  I was also eating wheat.  When the 60 day challenge started, on October 4th, I totally committed to the Nutrition Plan.  My weight was at 162 pounds.  No more sugar AT ALL, and no more wheat.  I also committed to working out 4 times per week.  That is when my overall health began to improve. 

Here are my photos from December 6th, the end of the 60 Day Challenge. Weight 147.5

Quite a change from January 2010.  I am very happy with my progress, and plan to continue on.  My nutrition plan is no longer a diet, but a way of life.  I am NOT dieting, I am eating healthy.  Here are some of the positive results of my diet change and weight loss.

*  My severe sleep apnea is gone!!  No more wearing a mask to bed.
*  My arthritis has stopped flaring up.  I have no pain in my finger joints at all.
*  I'm not tired during the day.  No need for naps.
*  I'm happier.
*  I have not had a cold, flu or any illness in the past year.

I would like to share this program with anyone who is interested.  Skogg System Kettlebell Workout System is now available for pre-order.  You can do it in your home....I would love to hear about your results.

If you are not familiar with kettlebells, that's ok.  There is an instructional DVD included in the package, that shows you how to use a kettlebell.  There are also 4 workout DVDs that have four different levels of workouts.  It doesn't matter how old you are or what level of fitness you are at.  This is for everyone.  Our gym has taught children as young as 9 years old, and we have had members in their 70's, and everything in between.

Click here for a preview of the SKOGG System Kettlebell workout. 

Click here to pre-order the SKOGG System Kettlebell Workout DVDs  

I look forward to 2011!!  It is going to be a great year.

Happy New Year, and keep swinging.

You, Only Stronger


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